Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hair Art by Adrienne Antonson

Just when I think I've seen it all, along comes Seattle-based artist Adrienne Antonson and her insects that she creates using only human hair and glue. .....m'kay... hair and insects... double-eww factor anyone? Regardless of my reservations, I must admit to a fascination for this particular art form, especially since it's the embodiment of "when art and life unite".

It's been said that Antonson only uses her own hair or that of her family and friends giving each piece of work an intimate quality. ...Oh lordy, I'm trying to imagine asking my loved ones for hair samples to further my artistic urges.

Anywho, Antonson explains: “The meticulous process of working with such an intimate fiber inspires a meditation on relationships and connectivity.

She further elaborates: “As an artist with a deep interest in sustainable and self-supporting systems, human hair seems the most immediate and true material. I find the historical implications and various uses of human hair fascinating. I am also intrigued with the attraction/repulsion response the material evokes. It is sentimental, challenging and honest.

Subsequently, Antonson has this to say about choosing insects as her subject: “My current work is inspired by the bizarre behaviors and ingenious evolutionary developments of the insect world. Using materials taken from my own experience and transforming them into real or imagined species provides a unique and intimate perspective on nature and self-sustainability. I see this work as an investigation into my imagination’s relationship with the fluxus state of the natural world. And it leaves me feeling limitless.

Well girl, get down with your bad bohemian self... :)

(If desired, click on each image for a larger view)

Source article and image credit: http://1800recycling.com

Adrienne Antonson: http://adrienneantonson.com

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